Administration Ministry

Church administration is spiritual service to the Body of Christ, which involves the wise stewardship of God’s resources for the accomplishment of the work of ministry. The Church of Christ ministry of administration will serve people effectively, while making efficient use of resources in a manner that glorifies God. The ministry will have four department:

  • Benevolence
  • Secretarial and administrative services
  • Maintenance
  • Medial and Publicity

Deacon in Charge : Sammy Katukula

Empowerment Ministry

The empowerment ministry will focus on empowering… The Christian to function and excel in the world of employment, entrepreneurship and personal development. The focus areas for the ministry will be on:

  • Education
  • Medical Mission
  • Recreation
  • Entrepreneurship

Deacon in Charge: Emmanuel Simbeza

Evangelism Ministry

The purpose of the Ministry Evangelism is to grow Chilenje Church of Christ both numerically and spiritually. This ministry’s activities are cross cutting and it is the expectation of the Elders that every other Ministry continues to participate in the evangelism effort and campaign. The Ministry will execute its mandate through the following committees:

  • Outreach
  • Sunday Worship
  • Prison Fellowship
  • Bible studies

Deacon in Charge: Selewa Mhango and Bob Mbuynda

Marriage Ministry

Chilenje Church of Christ Marriage Ministry exists to help those who are preparing to get married and married couples thrive in their marriage by providing empowering educational practical, Biblical resources through teaching, one-on-one mentoring opportunities and group activities, revealing the heart of Christ within marriage, so they are better able to: “Be imitators of God as dearly beloved children and to live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” Ephesians 5:1-2. Operationally, he ministry will be focusing the two aspects:

  • Policy and
  • Welfare

Deacon in Charge: Willard Chuulu

Women Ministry

The Chilenje Church of Christ Women Ministry’s purpose is to empower, strengthen, and encourage women to their full potential in God by helping women gain knowledge and understanding of God. The ministry will provide opportunities for women to identify and use their unique, God given gifts for the purpose of harvesting other women for God’s kingdom. The women’s ministry deals with issues and activities concerning all the female members at Chilenje church of Christ with the objective to:

  • Increase women participation in serving the Lord;
  • Create opportunities where women can minister to women and young women in different facets of their lives;
  • Establish a place of peace for women to retreat to from their busy lives and have quiet time with God or engage in fellowship with other women believers;
  • Help women start or maintain an effective prayer life;
  • Start and Maintain spiritual study groups;
  • Provide literature, guest speakers and retreats to assist women’s spiritual growth and increase their understanding of health issues that effects their mind, body and spirit.

Deacon in Charge: Isaac Phiri


Children and Youth Ministry

The Purpose of the Children ministry is to partner with parents in teaching the Bible to children, so they may learn to love God and love others. “From childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ” (2 Timothy 3:15). The Youth Ministry is tasked with equipping preadolescents, adolescents and young adults for the challenges of the real world basing on sound Christian teachings. The ministry is segmented by arts and signing. with special projects. To accomplish the purpose of the ministry, we will strive through persistent prayer and reliance on God’s power to:

  • Establish a firm knowledge of the entire Word of God to our children;
  • Communicate the Gospel in word and deed to children in our church and community
  • Enable kids to embrace Christ through consistent corporate and personal worship and service to God;
  • Assist parents in the Christian nurture of their children and build meaningful relationships with children and their families;
  • Promote inter-generational involvement with children in our church.

    The youth ministry will be undertaken through four pillars:

  • Outreach
  • Focus
  • Projects
  • Social Outings

Deacon in Charge : Soka Mtonga

Finance Ministry

This ministry is responsible for prudent financial management of the Chilenje Church of Christ and the day-to-day management of Church operations. It is also responsible for overseeing sourcing, utilization and reporting on Church resources. The function of this ministry will be

  • Financial accounting and reporting
  • Management accounting and budgeting
  • Audit and Internal controls
  • Projects

Deacon in Charge : Pathias Simbeza

Men Ministry

The Men’s ministry focuses on the activities relating to the development of men into full Christian maturity and raising leaders. It is structured around three pillars as follows:

  • Equipping
  • Impartation
  • Recovery

Deacon in Charge: Gospel Oloman